We support brands and sellers

Honest product reviews for optimized online sales

In-depth product feedback for enhanced product development

Authentic micro-influencer social media content for social proof

Recruitment of research participants for consumer insights

How Brands Benefit From Online Reviews

Increased online sales
Improved online conversion and increased revenues, as online shoppers trust recommendations from other consumers above anything else

Increased awareness & traffic
High quality reviews provide fresh and unique content for (marketplace) search engines and social media posts create buzz and awareness around your newest introductions

Insightful product feedback
In-depth product feedback before launch, as input for product development or purchasing decisions to increase the success rate of new product introductions
We select the right consumers from our reviewer community for your product and take care of all communication
We make sure our reviewers receive your product and use them in exchange for authentic high quality reviews, social content or in-depth product feedback
We make sure the reviewers write high quality online product reviews on digital channels of your choice or share valuable product feedback

We are proud to work for a variety of brands and online sellers in many different categories.
Big or small, you matter to us!

Why Work With Us
High quality authentic reviews, quickly after launch
Highly effective approach, with high response rates
Compliant with EU regulations, driving honest reviews
Hassle-free and hardly any effort required from client
One partner for all your key markets in Europe
Flexible way of working and pleasant collaboration

What Our Clients Say About Us
about us
In 2016, when companies were increasingly realizing the rising potential of the digital channel, the founders of ROEKOO found themselves discussing online reviews with consumer goods manufacturers about authentic online consumer reviews more and more frequently. At the same time, they recognized their own frustration about stumbling upon ‘Be the first to write a review for this product’ while shopping as a consumer in the digital market space. They realized it was time to start helping companies drive online reviews to help boost e-commerce performance while simultaneously facilitate online shoppers in their decision making process for the right product. ROEKOO was born.

Nowadays, with our team of highly motivated campaign managers we support many brands and marketplace sellers to generate hiqh-quality authentic user-generated content, like product reviews from real consumers across different channels and markets. We believe in a client-centric approach; we always take your objectives as a starting point to think along and to design the most effective project set-up to maximize our added value.